Applying for a scholarship and winning in Ghana, especially during the current state of the country has become very competitive, especially during tertiary academic level.
However, some tips and measures can be laid in place to increase one’s chances of winning a scholarship.

Apply early:
Due to the huge mass of people who apply for scholarships in Ghana, it is best to apply early as this would increase your chances of being selected for the scholarship. By applying early, you would be able to spend more time preparing for interviews and school.

Read about the scholarship:
Just like any normal interview, every applicant would be required to undergo an interview for the selection process. It is during this time that the interviewers would ask you questions related to the scholarship. Examples of such questions can be: Who is offering this scholarship? Why is the scholarship being offered? The duration of the scholarship? You would therefore be in a better position if you have a better fore-knowledge of the scholarship being offered. You can do some background research about the institution offering the scholarship on the internet or by visiting the institution, since most interviewers ask.
Do an extensive research on the selection criteria for the scholarship:
Many students in Ghana apply for scholarships making highly competitive to win. As such, you wouldn’t want to be in a disadvantaged position if you don’t meet the selection criteria. It however saves you the time you would have wasted trying to get it but the good news is that you would have an earlier opportunity for improve your stand before applying. Knowledge of the selection criteria would therefore enable you to make certain vital changes before applying for the scholarship.
For those in High School:
For those in High School seeking a scholarship to study in either Ghana or oversees, do well to get your entire academic transcript for all your active terms in the school if you intend to apply for the scholarship whilst in school. You would also need at least a couple of recommendation letters, one from the head of your school and the other from any member of the teaching staff of your school. However, if you can get more recommendation letters, do well to get them because more recommendations would increase your chances of winning the scholarship.
For merit based scholarships:
For merit based scholarships which places more emphasis on your academic strength or athletic abilities or artistic qualities, provide copies of all obtained certificates as proof of your abilities.